Privacy Policy
This privacy policy governs the way August Tailor collects, uses, stores and discloses information collected from its customers at This privacy policy applies to the website and all of August Tailor's products and services.

How we use the information collected

August Tailor may collect and use customer personal information for the following purposes:

- To improve customer service
The information you provide helps us meet your customer service requirements and your support needs more effectively.
- To personalize the user experience
We may use the information in general to understand how Users in the group use the services and resources provided on our Site.
- To improve our website
We can use the feedback you provide to improve our products and services.
- To process payment
We may use the information provided by the User when ordering only to provide services for that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the service.

To send users information they agree to receive topics that we think will be of interest to them.
- To send email periodically
We may use email addresses to send User information and updates regarding their orders. It can also be used to answer their questions, questions, and/or other requests. If Users decide to join our mailing list, they will receive an email that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. If not Any time the User wishes to cancel the registration of future emails, we will include details of the unsubscribe instructions at the end of each email or Users can contact us via our Website.

How we protect your information

We take appropriate data collection, storage, and processing measures and security measures to protect against access, change, disclosure, or destruction of personal information, usernames, and confidentiality. Exports, transaction information, and data are stored on our Website.
The exchange of sensitive and private data between the Site and its Users occurs via SSL-secured communication channels and is digitally encrypted and protected.